2022/03/07 東非坦尚尼亞供應商來函 可供應下列品項


1) KIDNEY BEANS - Red Beans, Red Speckled Kidney Beans (RSKB), Yellow Round Beans, Dark Red Beans etc.
2) PULSES - Green Mung Beans (Green Gram), Chick Peas (Yellow Gram),Pigeon Peas etc.
3) OILSEEDS - Sesame seeds, Soybean etc.
4) EDIBLE NUTS - Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Bambara nuts
5) WHOLE SPICES - Black Pepper, Cream white Cardamom, Cinnamon, Dry Cloves etc.

We are writing to seek your help in connecting us to reliable markets/ buyers in the Taiwan market.
In Tanzania, we are members of Tanzania Spices Association (TASPA) and also Tanzania Pulses Network (TPN)
We are also working closely with Netherlands African Business Council (NABC) and New Sustainable Spices Origins (NOSS).


Samson Lugembe Buyamba
P.O.Box 820
Mwanza – Tanzania
Email: savannahgrainstz@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +255 783 000937